Wednesday 22 July 2020

Let's Prevent Suicide Together 🌻

Assalamualaikum and Hai, everyone. I hope you guys are in better condition and healthy.

Today I will write about a tough topic titled Suicide Cases since September is considered as Suicide Awareness month. Nowadays we often listened about this, despite the cases of COVID-19 rising. 

Did you know?

They estimate that the rate of suicide cases will increase this year, and suicide is among the top three leading cases of death.

First of all, let's watch a video on Suicide to gain a basic idea about this.

To summarize,
"Suicide" means ending your own life while "suicide attempt" means that someone tried to end their life, but did not die.
And yes,


Many famous figures also go through these stages in life (feeling suicidal) but fight with the thought of suicide and finally succeeded to become who they are now.

Do you know who? I believe you know them...
For some example; Chris Evans a. k. a "Captain America", Jim Carrey a. k. a "The Mask" movie's actor, and J. K. Rowling, the "author of Harry Potter" and others.

They all have problems of their own, but they still managed to be "someone".
That's why,


We often forget that "Life is not about quitting, but it is about facing them and learning the lesson it comes with and becoming stronger".

Remember the time, when you are in school, you often found it hard to cope with your studies at that age, but somehow with some dedication and hard work, you succeed even with passing marks. And the studies before seems easier as you look back. 

I remembered getting pinched and scolded when I was in school when I was 9/10 years old because I can't solve simple mathematics questions, till I found that it was very difficult and I don't want to go to class.
But somehow, as I focused on mathematics and start enjoying the progress and find creative ways to learn it, I succeeded. I got excellent marks for all board exams since then like in Malaysia; we called it UPSR and SPM, and even in my diploma course. Alhamdulillah.

But maybe this is not enough. 
Let's talk about something practical in my life.

"When I was also in secondary school, I often get teased by male students for some childish topics. I remembered crying alone because "who enjoys getting teased" and don't want to get parents/families involved.
So that time, I reached out for my Lord, like I often tell Allah (my Lord) my sad stories and problems even though I knew that Allah knew as He is Al-Alim but Allah still listens as He is As-Sami. That somehow gives me the strength to overcome and hope as I remember his promises."

"Indeed, after every hardships, there is ease," (Al-Shahr 94:5)

"Do not lose hope, nor be sad"
(al-Imran 3:139)

"Do the people think they will be left to say"we believe" and we will not try them?"
(Al-Ankabut 29:2)

I even try to ignore them, and when they tease, I just smiled and go along with them. I also have my friends to not focus on that problem. When I remember those moments, I feel a little stupid but proud as I got to overcome those phases that I found hard at that time and age.😅😅
After these incidents in school, I tried "to be stronger and avoid the situations that could lead to the same problem and having a good circle" that even in my diploma days, I had nice experiences where there is no bullying and less crying.



❗Before that..❗
It is important for us to know about suicides, so that we can offer help, and eliminate the stigma on suicides so the silent-help seekers will find a hope to help themselves. 

But in this blog, I will NOT TALK about why people commit suicide, who is the one to blame, and all as it is a very complex issue. We may say that people commit suicide because of depression

But did you know?

Not all who have depression commits suicide. Other reasons some people commit suicide are,

Instead, I will share some tips about preventive steps to fight Suicidal thoughts (thinking of suicide).

❗Before this, let me remind you that the tips that I mentioned may be inactive for some, so please, for further help, please seek specialists' help. ❗

1. Know and Love yourself.

Did you know who is the biggest and hardest enemy for you?
It's you.
Yes, the biggest battle of someone is with himself.

Fight those negative whispers that ask you to do the hurtful things.
The Arabic term for this negative whispers is "waswasah" which means "The Whispers of Devil".

Other than "the waswasah", we are also a culprit who weakens our self-esteem. Which makes us vulnerable to hurtful things. 
Don't get my point?
Please watch the video below,

It is easier for us to lower our self-esteem rather than being harsh to others without knowing when it starts to "backfire".

We often give ourselves names that somehow make us feel bad about ourselves. Even I did that before, I would say inappropriate things to myself but it didn't help.
But when I change what I said to myself to 
"Yes, you can do this".
"It is okay, girl. Try again, who knows this time it will works".
"This is happening for a better reason. Keep patience."

I feel a different vibe around me... A positive one ..

But you may wondered that how to know ourselves better? For that, watch a video again.✌✌

After knowing, try to accept, and cherish yourself.
Keep patience, resume your hobbies back, and be happy.

"Be with someone who makes you happy"

And when you love yourself,
You should find courage in yourself to seek help from others. We need to be honest when we have destructive thoughts that keep on stressing us.

Take care of yourself by seeking help from health professionals.
There is NOTHING to be ashamed if you seek help instead it is something to proud. Because not everyone have the courage to help themselves.

2. Appreciate others

Yes, start appreciating the ones who are with you, but you don't always notice them. 
Such as your parents, friends, and best friends.

We often lost in our sadness about someone/something that we forgot to notice others who have been there for us.

Someone wise had said that "When you die, you never die alone".

"There is a famous Hindi movie, named "3 Idiots" where there is a scene where the main lead hero attempt suicide because he was rusticated from the college and he was scared that he might hurt his family because of that issue.
But his family was sadder when they saw him laying on the bed."

That movie has also a very important message that when you have thoughts of killing yourself, looked back at the smiling pictures of your parents or close ones, and think that will they be that happy again after you harm yourself?

3. Get help from others

Sometimes people who attempt suicide not because they wanted to die, but because they don't know how to get help. Suicide attempts are not a cry for attention but a cry for help. It becomes a way to show to the world just how much they are hurting.

Unfortunately, these cries for help may sometimes prove to be fatal if the person misjudges the lethality of their chosen method. People who make a failed attempt are also at a much higher risk of trying again, and their second attempts are much more likely to be lethal. 

That's why it is important to get help from someone who can help, especially a specialist, psychiatrist, or mental health professional, help locate a treatment facility, or take them to a doctor’s appointment.

We often minoritized our problems, that we eventually start burdened ourselves and hurts internally.

Let me share something. During the pandemic of COVID-19 was higher in Malaysia, we were in movement control order (MCO) so the Health Ministry forward helpline numbers to help those who need emotional support or counseling.

I believe even there are other authorities from other countries even in Malaysia that provide this kind of help even NOW.

Because seriously, it is much easier to share about yourself to strangers rather than your close ones.

There is pleasant news too,
For those who are having mental illnesses, such as Depression, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder, you can also seek help as they are all treatable with changes in lifestyle, therapy, and medication. Most people can be treated and recover.

"Even the problem that seems hopeless has solutions."

Even seeking help from therapist, 
  • can help you to change your negative thinking patterns, 
  • help to learn new healthy ways to regulate "-ve" emotions
  • To move through the sad moments
  • To learn new strategies)tips for self-help
  • To speak and share frely wothout fear of being judge 
  • For moral supports
  • More..

4. Learning the meaning of life.

"Life is about learning and grow internally as we experience and contribute to the outer world."

If you don't know the meaning of life, try to explore and learn. InshaAllah, you will find it.

"For me, as a Muslim. life is a journey from Allah and to Allah. Life is not only about physical successes such as money, degree, or better jobs , but also having this superior relation with the One who created us.
Life is also about finding the One who created us and finds how He wanted us to live. 
In life, we often can feel sad and lose hope, but when you have this special relationship with your Lord, and you know that He can solve everything, it can give you hope, strength and patience to face that problem.
Even for me, the pains and problems in this world are temporary".

and as a Muslim, it is haram (prohibited) to attempt suicides, and there are specific punishments for those who commit this.

5. Be a good friend

This is a tip for someone who has a friend with this kind of problem.

We often look for someone who can help us instead of being one.
If you had an opportunity to help someone, don't hesitate and help them. You can help by offering a listening ear. Everyone wanted to be listened to.

Let your loved one knows that you care for them. 

Don't take the responsibility to heal the loved ones. You can offer support, but you can't make them get better. They have to make a personal commitment to recovery. Just like I said before, you have to help yourself.

It is unquestionable that when you witness someone deals with negative thoughts, it could stir up many difficult emotions.
Care for yourself too. Find someone who helps you too and getting support.

I wana share some of myths and facts related to suicides... I hope it helps us even more to fight for a better life and help those silent-help seekers ..

You may not realize, but no one dies alone. You may think that people don't care about you or you're a burden, but you're not. It's only a feeling thats try to pull you down.
Even I feeled it a lot when I feel sad. But as soon as I try to help myselves, somehow I feel motivated to not be a burden and be capable.

Just like a storm comes after a strong wind and thunder, suicides also happens after some warning signs.

We need to be more observing and helpful. Because there are probably many things going around us, but we didn't get the chance to realize it.

For more information, I will share some links which may be helpful for you.

I am neither a doctor nor an expert. Just a student who tries to help those who needed help with whatever I can. 
If you find my blogs helpful, feel free to share it with others.


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