Tuesday 30 January 2024

Intro to The Struggle for Basic Rights: Palestine

The Struggle for Basic Human Rights: Palestinians

Assalamualaikum readers, it's been quite a while since I have written something. Lately, the world has been shocked by the news that broke many hearts.

"The case of the 7th of October 2023 genocide in Palestine"

It’s been months since the genocide happened, but until now, no proper actions have been taken by the world. Since then, a lot of countries opposed the genocide, while some supported it, but not to forget, some countries preferred to be neutral, which is quite not helping at all ...

Recently, the issue was brought up to ICJ (The International Court of Justice) to the court by South Africa. On the 26th of January, the results were announced by the UN's website, but the results were not that effective. No permanent ceasefire was ordered to protect the Palestinians.

Legally, the issue is on the Palestinians' side but it's not stopping the genocide from happening.

Figure 1: ICJ's court outcome

The outpouring of my Heart 💔.

My random wondering...

Honestly. I couldn't stop wondering about the soul health of those who chose to be silent despite the atrocities happening right in front of the eye. This is not 1948 anymore where people are hidden from truth, instead, it's 2024 where everything is right in social media. It is just a matter of addressing the issue or "let it be" attitude overtaking someone thus resulting in “being neutral” or “being silent”.

The Palestinians are trying their best to convey the message to the world despite watching the genocide right in front of them. They have health, internet, and water supplies ISSUES, but that didn't reduce their enthusiasm at all. We can witness Bisan, Motaz, Amo Sukar, and other brave souls who risk their lives to educate people about the condition in Gaza, Khan Younis and others. No words may be used to appreciate their resilience and courage.

(credit to owner)
Figure 2: The journalist from Palestine

Random sharing.

Back then, I had learnt one of the most fundamental principles which absolutely applies to every human being Humanity

Seriously, what are humans without humanity, from what I learnt in religious scripts, humans were made as Khalifah (leader or successive authority) on this Earth.

Figure 3: Human as Khalifah (leader)

This one principle of life applies to everyone. 

For me, a human being is valuable when it comes to humanity. Humanity is the most crucial component that differentiates a human being from other creatures on the planet.

Figure 4: Definition of Humanity from Cambridge University

Now, let’s put aside my heart’s outpouring as I was quite disappointed with the issue and reactions of several people who chose to either remain silent/neutral or support the genocide (without knowing the basic difference between truth and a lie).

So now, let’s try to delve into the issue and address a few pieces of information related to this atrocity.

Disclaimer  ❗

 ❗ Is the war about Religion? 

A lot of people say that this genocide or issue is happening due to religious reasons such as Muslims vs Jews. However, it’s the fight against Zionism and the World (Humanity).

Why am I saying that?

Because for those who didn’t know, even Jews and Christians are supporting Palestine. Furthermore, the genocide that’s happening in Gaza is affecting ALL KINDS OF Palestinians despite their religions. Recently, we have heard that mosques and even, churches were badly attacked which injured the people that sheltering inside.

If it was only about Muslims, then why were other religious holy places destroyed as well? Not only that, but kids and women were also attacked.

We often witness the Chants/Marches about "Women's rights" but why we don't witness them now?  Are innocent women who are giving birth, menstruating etc not having access to hygiene, as other women do?

Figure 5: Issues of women in Palestine

Am I right or am I absolutely, right?

I am not aware of other religions, but in Islam, neither anybody is allowed to harm children and women nor anybody is allowed to attack civilian neighbourhoods.

Figure 6: Rules of War in Islam

Amazingly, a few similar guidelines were given by IHL (International Humanitarian Law)

One point to be noted, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Jews/  antisemitism.

Zionism (Isr*el) is more to the national movement of people who are part of the government meanwhile Judaism are the true believers of the religion of Abraham. We will talk further about these in the following paragraphs.

Furthermore, since the issue happened, evidently in social media, quite several people have been sharing their POV. From there, we can see the propaganda that is responsible for this conflict.

Video from @absorberyt

Why Palestine is Important for Everyone?

Recently, I was researching about Palestine, and I found some amazing facts which didn’t fail to amaze me. 

This piece of information answers my query about why different parts of the world were behind this holy land despite the world has more than 195 countries.

Yeah.. Do you know that Palestine has holy places for three major religions in the world? Yeah, and they all are situated in Baitul Maqdis AKA Jerusalem, Palestine. It has holy places for religions like Islam, Jews, and Christians and there are some fascinating histories behind it. 

No wonder, back then, Jerusalem had witnessed efforts of conquering from great powers/empires such as Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamluks, Ottoman Empire and British. They battle for this holy place as it plays a major role in religion.

Jerusalem is the centre of events related to the Hebrew Bible which plays an influence on Judaism, Christianity and Islam.


Baitul Maqdis has one of the three holiest places in Islam named Masjidil Aqsa after Mecca (Masjid al-Haram) and Madinah (Masjid al-Nabawi). Masjidil Aqsa was referred to as the first Qibla (direction to pray) in Islam before Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Masjidil Aqsa was reported to have been built by prophets (differs by opinion on which prophet built it).

Video 1: Masjidil Asa creation.

Not only that, Prophet SAW often encourage his sahabah (friends/Muslims) to take a journey to Masjid Aqsa for a greater reward.

Muslims used to pray facing Masjid Al Aqsa, even before the migration of Prophet SAW around 622 AD. 

Even though Masjidil Haram was built by then, it was considered a holy place where Pagans used the place for worshipping idols and deities. The Arab tribes will perform Hajj during the season, and perform rituals and circumambulation (Tawaf) as a ritual. Mecca used to be the central hub for pilgrimage and served as the trading centre which attracted merchants from different regions to the place.

Figure 7: Kaaba in Makkah

However, after the migration of Prophet SAW to Madinah, around 2H, the revelation was given by Allah SWT to change the Qibla from Masjid Al-Aqsa to Masjidil Haram. There’s a beautiful story behind these changes in Qibla.

Figure 8: Rules from the Quran.

For a better understanding, you may refer to the videos below:-

Video 2: Masjid Qiblatain

Summary: Back then, the Qibla used to be facing the Masjidil Aqsa, however, prophet SAW loves the Kaaba as well as it is related to the Prophet Ibrahim AS. It was easier for prophet SAW to pray to face Masjidil Aqsa and Kaaba from Mecca. However, after he migrated to Madinah, it was between the Masjidil Aqsa and Kaaba. Despite his love for praying facing the Kaaba, he followed Allah SWT's instruction without complaining, and prayed facing the Masjidil Aqsa, until Allah SWT gave a commandment about changing the Qibla.

Another one...

Video 3: Masjidil Aqsa

Summary: The video shares the same piece of information as Ustadh Nouman's video. However, Mufti Menk shares about Masjid Qiblatain and how the scenario was when the commandment of changing the Qibla was given.

The mosque was named Masjid Qiblatain as it witnessed the qibla change from Masjidil Aqsa to Kaaba, Mecca while the Muslims were praying.

Figure 9: Masjid Qiblatain

Furthermore, there is one of the important events in Islamic scriptures related to Masjidil Aqsa which is Al-Isra’ Wal Mi’raj also known as Shab-e-Meraj.

Figure 10: Masjid Aqsa

Al Isra' Wal Mi'raj or Shab-e-Meraj.

It is about a historical night journey and ascension of the Nabi Muhammad SAW. Our prophet SAW was facing intense hardship and grief moment during the time as he had lost some of his family members, Khadijah RA (Prophet SAW's wife) and Abi Talib (dearest uncle who supported him since his childhood).

Isra’ generally means the journey from Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa, while Mi’raj means the journey from Masjidil-Aqsa to the heavens. The journey was recorded to happened in the 27th Rajab. In an extraordinary journey, our Prophet Muhammad SAW was given the five prescribed daily prayers (Shab-e-Meraj 2024, n.d.).

Figure 11: Quranic Ayah

Furthermore, other historical events took place in Masjidil Aqsa.

Umar Al-Khattab and the impact on Christians and Islam.

When Islam was a new religion, the Byzantine Empire wanted to eliminate the Muslim religion on its southern borders. The Expedition of Tabuk which occurred in 630 AD with Prophet SAW to the border, marked the commencement of Muslim-Byzantine wars even though no wars happened at that time.

However, during the time of caliph Umar Al Khattab, the Battle of Yarmuk occurred which was led by Khalid al-Walid and Amr- ibn As to fight the Byzantines. Through the war, cities throughout Syria fall to the Muslims. 

Amazingly, when the Muslim armies arrived at the place, the local population of both Christians and Jews welcomed them. The religion of Christianity was similar to the view of monotheistic view of God in Islam.  Not only that, but Islam, Christianity and Judaism are correlated to the Abrahamic religion.

They welcomed the Muslims over the Byzantines. In 637, a representative of the Byzantine government named Sophronius wanted to surrender himself to Umar Al Khattab to surrender Jerusalem to the Muslims.

When Umar Al Khattab arrived in Jerusalem, he was greeted by Sophronius and he was amazed with the humbleness of Umar Al Khattab. While having the tour of the city, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Umar was invited to pray inside the Church as it was the time for prayer. Umar declines the offer, as he doesn't want the Muslims to convert the church into a mosque- thereby depriving Christendom of one of its holiest sites. Instead, he prayed outside the church, where Masjid Umar was built.  The mosque is built next to the Church.

Indirectly, Umar Al Khattab taught us to respect and honour the places of other religions' worship.

Not only that, Umar Al Khattab had signed a treaty with Sophronius to detail the rights and privileges related to the conquering and Muslims in Jerusalem.

Source: As mentioned in the picture, for the website.

The treaty ensures religious freedom in history. In the meanwhile, for the Jews's rights, there is a debate on the banning of Jews. However, some sources cited that Umar Al Khattab allowed the Jews to worship on the Temple Mount and Wailing Wall. 

After the Byzantines left, Umar Al Khattab had cleared the place of Temple Mount/ Haram-al Sharif where Prophet SAW was believed to have done Isra wal Mikraj, he and his army cleaned the place and rebuilt the Masjid al Aqsa which was destroyed during the enemies. The place becomes crucial and a centre for religious pilgrimage and trade. In 691, the Dome of Rock was built to complement Masjid Al Aqsa.

Extra Note

Do you know, that inside Masjidil Aqsa, you can find the mimbar of Sultan Salahuddin Al Ayyubi? It was built during his reign to indicate the Muslim triumph.

Do you know?

Unfortunately, a lot of Muslims are confused between Masjidil Aqsa and the Dome of Rock which was built by Abd al-Malik bin Marwan around 685-691 AD. 

Figure 12: Dome of Rock

Both places are located in the Temple Mount AKA Haram Al-Sharif in the Old City of Jerusalem (there’s a historical reason why the place is called Old City, we will talk about it in Part 2).  Since the Dome of Rock is inside the area of Masjid Al Aqsa, therefore it is still considered a part of Haram al-Sharif/ Masjidil Aqsa.

Figure 13: Layout of Haram-al-Sharif

To be honest, sometimes, even I wondered the reason behind why people are often confused with the identification of Masjidil Aqsa and Dome of Rock until I saw this one clip from my favourite series of Payyitaht Abdul Hamid (Turkish series fans must know about this. Hehe.)

Video 4: Propaganda

Unknowingly, many of us are victims of these sabotages. This is the reason why a person needs to educate themself so they don't become victims of those sabotage or lies from unwanted parties. 

Other religions except Islam.

Jerusalem plays a major role in other religions as well such as Christianity and Judaism. A lot of their scriptures mentioned Jerusalem as well, similar to the Quran (Masjid Al Aqsa - specifically).

The Haram Al-Sharif is also known as Mount Moriah or Temple Mount. The place is believed to be located beneath the platform of the Muslim Shrine, Masjid Al Aqsa. To understand better, the correlation between Christianity and Judaism with Jerusalem, the connection needs to be seen from the Bible itself (Sulaiman, 2014).

Jerusalem is called by different names in the Jewish Bible. The place is called Salem, Moriah, Yevuse, Yerushalayim and Zion. The names have been repeated hundreds of times in the bible. Not only that but in the Book of Genesis, there are mentions of Jerusalem as well (Sulaiman, 2014).

Let’s talk a little deeper about this topic.


I will share a few pieces of information that I could gather about them. But as I respect religion, therefore I am writing less about it due to my lack of knowledge related to this, and to avoid unwanted errors.👍

  1. The Church of Holy Sepulchre
    • This place is believed to have a strong history related to Jesus (Nabi Isa AS).
Figure 14: Holy Church of Sepulchre

  1. Garden of Gethsemane
  2. Mount of Olives
  3. Dormition Abbey
  4. St. Anne’s Church
  5. Via Dolorosa
  6. Ecce Homo Arch and Convent

The important development in the Christian faith revolved around Jerusalem as well. Jerusalem is believed to be the site where Jesus (Nabi Isa AS) died, was buried and rose from the dead. Several places play a major role in Christianity. No wonder, great powers from different corners of the world tried to conquer Jerusalem.

ð  This place is believed to have a strong history related to Jesus (Nabi Isa AS)- (Sulaiman, 2014)


Next, Judaism. It is one of the most followed religions in the world as well. Judaism believers are also called as Jewish. Judaism religion believes in Monotheism, which means believing in one God.

There are historic places that play a major role in Judaism in Jerusalem, Palestine. From the period of 587 BC to 70 AD, where two temples were built and destroyed by other ruling powers. According to (Western Wall | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica, 2024), the First and Second Temple was destroyed by Babylonians (587-586 BCE) and Romans(70 CE) respectively. 

This temple plays a major role in the religious and communal life of Jews. The temple and Jerusalem remain to be the centre for traditional Jewish thoughts and prayers.  Even though the temples were destroyed, there are remains of the “remaining wall” that surrounds the Temple Mount, known as the Wailing Wall or Western Wall.

Figure 15: Western wall

Jerusalem also plays other major roles for Jewish people such as (Sulaiman, 2014):-

Do you know?

Speaking of Judaism, many people misunderstand it with Zionism. As I mentioned earlier, Zionism is a national movement of those people who want a specific state for Jews, which is currently lived by people who are practising Judaism and people who claim to be Jewish (don’t practice their religion). The idea was first generated by Theodore Hertzl who wanted to establish a state for Jews only.

In easy words, Judaism relates to religious practices while Zionism is a national movement of people who want a state for themselves. Some people practice Judaism, and they are Zionist, while there are also Jewish people who prefer to stay in another country than in Occupied Palestine.

Figure 16: Division of Jewish Population in the World

To explain this better, I would love to share a video from a Judaism Rabbi (leader) who explains beautifully the difference between Zionism and Judaism.

This is one of the reasons why you may find Jewish believers and Rabbis to be a part of a rally to stop the genocide that’s happening.

To be honest, these issues in Palestine are no longer about religion instead it might be a game of Politics and Power. 

For example, we can see how countries that supported the genocide are suffering such as Yemen. Yemen is a country which is famine, has food insecurity and kids have a malnutrition rate (one of the highest in the world). Around 17 million Yemenis are having food insecurity issues. Therefore, increasing the rate of starvation and death.

The Yemenis or Houthis attack the commercial and military ships that are connected to the Is*aelis in the Red Sea. The military ships that bring the military weapons to be used on Palestinians.  Strategically, Yemen is located at the beginning edge of the Suez Canal which provides them the advantage to do so.

As a result, collective punishment is carried out again but on Yemenis. On December 7th, the World Food Programme "paused" the food distribution in Houthi-controlled areas where 9.5 million people were experiencing insecurity across northern Yemen. For further reading, you may refer to the references area. 

I will share more on these topics in Part 2 (but you may share your POV in the comments section.

Random Poetry✌

Dear Falestinis,
Neither I know you personally,
Nor I had met you,
All I had was hearing about you,
In social media and news...
Last year was hard,
This month too,
It was sad and full of guilt,
Sad for what had happened,
Guilty because I couldn't do much,
Deep inside,
I felt something different,
Something that no words could describe,
Palestinians had taught me the value of life,
Distinct from what I had thought,
In our life, 
We were taught that life was about having a luxurious life,
But instead,
It was about Humanity,
A life doesn't become meaningful when your pockets are full of money,
But it becomes meaningful when you use it for charity,
Or when you contribute to others,
Just like a superhero,
In life,
Everyone can gain money,
Everyone can flex it around everyone,
But being able to take a stand is different,
Being able to fight for the rights of others is different,
Being able to educate the world is different,
Being able to make traumatised kids smile despite their misery is different,
Because not everyone can afford to be a superhero.


Hence, this is what I wanted to talk about the issue for now. I will try to come up with a new blog related to topics on why is this happening, the issues, the real culture of Palestine and more. 


Khalil, S. (2023, November 17). What is Israel’s Ben Gurion canal plan and why Gaza matters. Https://Www.Newarab.Com/; The New Arab. https://www.newarab.com/news/what-israels-ben-gurion-canal-plan-and-why-gaza-matters

Shab-e-Meraj 2024: The Night Journey (27th Rajab). (n.d.). Islamic Relief UK. Retrieved January 26, 2024, from https://www.islamic-relief.org.uk/resources/islamic-calendar/rajab/27th-rajab-al-isra-wal-miraj/

Suez Canal | History, Map, Importance, Length, Depth, & Facts | Britannica. (2024, January 24). https://www.britannica.com/topic/Suez-Canal

Sulaiman, K. O. (2014). Jerusalem as a Uniting Factor for Muslims and Christians: Historical and Scriptural Grounds. IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.22492/ijah.2.1.04

Western Wall | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica. (2024, January 25). https://www.britannica.com/topic/Western-Wall

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