Friday 17 April 2020

What Code ?


Hehe... So in today's blog, I want to share a code system called Morse Code.
Have you ever heard about it before? Perhaps, in a movie or any crime genre dramas.

Oh yeah, my friends said that they knew about this in a movie called Parasite.

Actually, I am going to share my experience when I have started learning about Morse Code. I acknowledge about Morse Code when I watched a detective series drama called CID a Hindi-series drama when a victim asks for help using Morse Code to drew the police officers' attention to help him. I was quite astonished by that 😍... Haha :) 

So before I share my experience, I want to share a little bit of history about the Morse Code... Nah, don't worry, I won't open a history book here 😊.. xoxo :)

Morse Code was invented by Samuel Finley Breese Morse, where during that time messages were usually conveyed by a messenger who carried them in form of writing or memorizes it (Good memory, must be said). When the commercial telegraph was introduced in 1837, Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail (his assistant) demonstrated the messages using Morse Code.(pretty cool 😎)

telegraph receiver

Picture of a telegraph

Morse code usually consists of dots (.) and dashes (-) where the dashes represent 3 dots.

And seriously, if you keep practicing it, eventually you can memorize it easily.✌

The table for the Morse Code for each alphabet and number is below :

You can check how it works on youtube for more help. Even I search it there because I am a visual and kinesthetic learner so it helps me a lot. Like in LEARN MORSE CODE from a MEMORY CHAMP (in 15 minutes), the YouTuber has a unique way to memorize the codes.

When I was learning this, I found it quite fascinating because who knows while you are tapping your pencil playfully, you're actually conveying a message to someone else.

And yeah, when I was learning about Morse Code, a lot of people shared their stories. One of that was a group cheat in an exam using Morse Code. Seriously, DON'T DO IT GUYS !! It is bad...✌ . And some even used it to talk with each other in a secret way! 😉

And yes, you can even use this link to get a better understanding of Morse Code.

So until here...
Do share with others if it helps you...

_    ....    ._    _.     _._   ...


  1. Pretty Cool. Perhaps I can learn more about it 😎

    1. yeah , you should . You can click the links that I have provided up there ..

  2. New topic for me as i never heard about it. Keep sharing knowledgeable information. Loved your writing skills. Simple and precise
    Keep the good work...


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