Tuesday 14 July 2020

Ambition or Dream High?

Assalamualaikum and Hai everyone..

In today's blog, I will share about

 "Dreams vs Ambitions".

You'll get the idea about what I wanted to share by the above quote when you continue reading below๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„.

First of all, I believe many people think that they (dream & ambition) are similar, isn't it?

But they are actually slightly different from each other.

As ambition refers to someone's desire to achieve something in life while a dream is your aspiration or hope to achieve something.
For example, my ambition is to become a doctor while my dream is to become an Avenger probably as a superhero. Haha, just kidding (but it's true) ... ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ

We often confused with these terms that we often messed a little in our lives in the future.
Weird? Let me explain how.


Firstly, a dream is like having a fantasy world in your mind where you can become anyone or anything that you wanted to. It's like your own free world where you can be anything even a friend of SpongeBob.

You can imagine anything that you wanted to be as well as a positive character or even a bad character.
A dream also can be considered as a series of thoughts, images, and sensation that occurs when you are sleeping.
"You know when you sleeping and feel like you are on a vacation with your friends and somehow it looks real but it isn't'.

Yet, too much dreaming can lead you to daydream and make you lost in the fantasy world of yours that it started to harm your productivity and makes you lose focus. Even you tend to waste your time because of it. "You may have experienced this when you tend to sleep and daydream rather than doing your homework~~"


Secondly, ambitions are when you transform those dreams into a goal that you would love to achieve. You use your dreams as a blueprint to work on for better life planning.

For example;
To read, work, and stay in dark rooms, what do we need? Any guess?
Yes, we need Light. Did you know who invented the light?
Exactly, it was Thomas Edison. He was a great scientist with hearing disabilities yet it doesn't stop him from transforming the lives of billions worldwide. He failed about 1000 times yet he didn't give up until he succeeded inventing the incandescent light bulb.

Haha, but I believe we already knew about Ambitions since school yet especially when your teacher use to pressurizes you to have one when you can't even think one...
P.S: Actually, they don't pressurize us. We're the one who feels it... Haha.

I remember writing different field of jobs in the ambition's section, whenever I have to fill a form because I can't make any definite choice. Old memories ~~ ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท

"Everyone wanted to be successful but only some works for it and a little earn it with their hard work."

Have you ever thought that why do we need ambition?

We need ambition in life for a definite purpose, and they help us to focus on our goal, no matter what the cost. Everyone can have different ambitions like someone who wanted to be a doctor, police (like me), scientist (also me), good child, dancer, singer, a righteous wife or husband (eh..) and many more... There are a variety of choices in this small world.

Someone's ambition usually depends on their interests and their surroundings such as their parent's profession and believe me, it is common to switch your ambition to something else from another, from time to time.

Ambition is important as a career and to achieve something which we are not just handed in life and to help you whenever things are not going so great in your life. It will help you to lead yourself out of that situation and find happiness.

My ambition.

Seriously to share, my recent ambition is to become someone's in the science field while my ambition when I was young was to become a Crime Investigation Police ( detective). Because it sounds so adventurous to go to crime scenes and investigate the cause of crime and all. Even, when I was a kid, I also learned martial arts so it boosts my interest to be in the Police Force.

I would like to share about a book that I am still reading as it is so contentful that I have to read it slowly to not miss any important points titled Think and Grow Rich which share stories of successful people who work hard to earn a fortune rather than waiting for it. This book has many tips that can help you to be successful...

This book mentions that to achieve anything, you firstly need definite purposes which means you know what you want to achieve in life. This is the first step to accomplish anything in life.
And then, you need to work on your plans to achieve this purpose in life both physically and mentally.


It's going to sound tricky a little but I will try to explain.

The effort that you can make mentally is by having faith (confidence) that you can achieve that ambition of yours. You have to keep repeating and saying to yourself that you can do it. Eventually, those repetitions will trigger your subconscious mind which plays a big role in influencing your actions and attitude and then, your subconscious mind will provide you plans to achieve the thing that you desire.

Let me give you an analogy.

Imagine you are lost in the jungle, and you keep on telling yourself "I can escape from this jungle".
So you will feel motivated to find a way out from the jungle rather than waiting for a wild animal to find you first. Huhu sounds creepy.
When in your mind you keep repeating that you can escape from there, your subconscious mind will be alert and your mind will provide you plans or ideas to execute.
For example, you will get the idea to follow the direction of the river's stream, or making a shelter first depends on your location.

I have a story to share, ✌✌

One of my favorite personalities is Muhammad Ali who was a great America's Boxing Champion. He always says that "He Is The Greatest".๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ† 

And that's what makes me feel wondered, why did he say that? Was he overconfident? Was he feeling obsessive with himself?

But when I learned psychology behind this, it makes fascinates me.

“What you are thinking, you are becoming” — Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali actually wasn't saying that to show off his greatness to others but he was saying that to make himself great.

You know, when you motivate yourself by giving nice appreciative praises to yourself such as "I am smart enough to do this, this is easy peasy",
And you somehow accomplish doing that task 
 or when you demotivate yourself by saying bad words to yourself.
And it makes you feel like giving up and bad about yourself...

Feel familiar?

❗Don't forget to put effort to achieve what you wanted to achieve, because...

Exactly, actions are important to achieve your dreams.

Even though, ambitions are important so do the efforts you put to achieving them.

❗ You should also believe in faith ❗,

That everything is destined, and everything happens for the best.

Sometimes you work hard, you even have made a full-proof plan for your life, yet you fail to achieve what you wanted in life.

If that's ever happened to you, believe me, that's NOT THE END

Who knows when you keep on weeping at the closed doors, there is a door opened especially for you to open.๐Ÿก๐Ÿšช

Remember, "A fighter never quits'. ๐Ÿ’ช

That's what a worldly ambition could be but...

The Main Dream and Ambition that is a MUST 

for all the Muslims!!

You should also have the ambition to become a better person and enter the Jannah (paradise) by doing good deeds and following the commandments of your Lord by written in the Holy Qur'an and As-Sunnah as guidance.

This ambition of ours should be the first as a Muslim because we all believe that this world is temporary and nothing is going last forever even this Dunya.

Deception means something that is accepted as true but it is false or invalid.

As a hadith mentioned in Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik that Rasullullah SAW had mentioned that "I have left you with two matters which will never lead you astray, as long as you hold to them: Al-Quran and As-Sunnah".

A famous Muslim preacher, Dr. Zakir Naik has mentioned that the criteria to enter the Jannah is mentioned in the Surah Al-Asr, chapter 103, verse 1-3 which are;
  • He is a believer.
  • Did righteous deed.
  • Advised each other to the truth.
  • Advised each other to keep patience.

As a conclusion to the video above, to succeed in the hereafter, you also need to believe in faith and take action.

You can't enter the Jannah if you keep on dreaming but didn't follow and do the commandments of your Lord.

It is important for us to realize that besides the worldly goals, we also should have the goals for akhirah and work for it. Finding the blessings from Allah in what we ever we are doing.
Even though this life is temporary, it doesn't mean you should do nothing about this life because this life is a place for us to gather supplies for the Judgement Day.
Who knows with your passion and ambition, you got a chance to benefits others too as well as yourselves even though you are following Science or Art streams.

For example, as a doctor who treats the one in need , or an artist who is capable to deliver a good message with his talents. You can have a lot of opportunities to do good in whatever you are gifted with.

We all are differently capable and talented, isn't it?

Let's place this world just in your hand and not in your heart.

Don't give up... ❗❗

While chasing your dreams in this life, you may stumble a lot in life which will make you feel like you can't make it and even wanted to give up.

But you have brace yourself up and keep on fighting!!!

There's a line that I wanted to share which is quite inspiring from a Hindi movie, titled Bhootnath.
" Have you ever watched an ant walking? If you try to stop it, it will change its direction and keep on walking. And if you try to stop it again, it will keep on walking in another direction. If a small Ant didn't give up, so how can a human who is far bigger than it could."

Remember as I mentioned above, you can hardly be someone you wanted to be if you don't have faith and don't take action towards it.

It's okay to take your time but don't make it as a reason makes you stop. Keep going. ⏰⏳

Sorry if there is a point that misquoted or didn't explain well.

InshaAllah, let's meet in the next blog
Asssalamualaikum and Bye, feel free to share your ambition or thoughts about ambition.

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