Thursday 23 April 2020

Ramadhan 🌙

Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you),

In today's blog, I will share about the most beloved month by Muslims around the world called Ramadhan. 

Before that, as usual, I will introduce a little bit about Ramadhan.😀

Ramadhan is the 9th month in the Islamic calendar and the first chapters of the Qur'an were given to Rasullullah SAW in the month of Ramadhan. This month, Muslims will fast for the whole month from the dawn 🌙 (Fajr Time/Sehri) till sunset (Magrib/iftar time).🌝

Ramadan became obligatory in the month of Shaaban ( a month before Ramadhan) in 2 Hijrah.

A hadith about Ramadhan.

About Ramadan (Ramzan) | Ramadan quotes, Ramadan, Ramadan quotes ...

You can find more, here = hadith =

There are also mentions about the Ramadhan in the Qur'an .. where Allah mentions in surah al-Baqarah verse no.183 and 185 .

Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 183 | Verse, Sayings, Thoughts

Surah Al-Baqarah" Verse - 185 | Quran verses, Verses, Quran

Next, in most countries around the world, the Muslim authorities will announce the starting of Ramadhan when they witness the sight of the crescent moon which indicates the first Ramadhan is coming.

Fasting is fardhu ( obligatory/wajib) as it is among the 5 pillars of Islam.

What are the pillars of Islam? 
It is the foundation of Muslim life and duties for every Muslims to practice their religion and it consists of 5 pillars which are ;

=They are Shahada, Salah (solat/prayer), Fast, Zakat, and Hajj (pilgrimage).

Andddd , as every ibadah have their rulings to make the ibadah better ..I will list some down there .. I hope it helps you get more or refresh your past knowledge ..✌️

"The rulings for fasting"

Obligatory (Wajib)
✅ Fasting in Ramadhan is Fardhu Ain (obligatory) upon every adult Muslim who has reached puberty, is sane and who is not sick or traveling (Musafir)


✅6 days in the month of Shawwal
✅Day of Arafah (9 Zulhijjah)
✅On Monday and Thursday
✅On 13,14 and 15 days of every month in the Islamic Calendar.

Haram (prohibited)
✅1 Syawal (Eid ul Fitr/Eid)
✅30 Shaaban (the day before Ramadhan starts)
✅The women in menstruation
✅10 Zulhijjah (Eid Ul Adha)
✅Tashriqs days ( 11,12,13 Zulhijjah)

The others ruling during are in the picture below:

Ohh yeah , before I forget , I will attach the pictures for the dua' (niat) for fasting and about the Taraweeh prayer 😀'

While down there, is the picture for Taraweeh prayer which is performed during the month of Ramadan after the prayer of Isha'.
It is not obligatory but it is highly encouraged for Muslims to perform.

During this Ramadhan, you can try to gain knowledge about those things that you may want to learn such as learning about the 25 prophets or learn Arabic or hadith. You can also try to memorize or complete reading all the chapters in the Qur'an.

There are a lot of hadith that mention about the blessings for the human being in month of Ramadhan .. Such as ,the gates of paradise will be open as wide as possible while the gates of the hell will be as closed as possible ..

InshaAllah , in the next blog ,I will try to update more about Ramadhan ..
Any suggestions , feel free to drop your comments at the comment section.

Salam Ramadhan 😀✌
May Allah shower you with blessings, good health, and happiness this Ramadhan 🌙🌙


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