Saturday 5 February 2022

The Hijab of a Hijabi.

Assalamualaikum W.B.T my beautiful friends...

It's been about several months I believe since I wrote the last blog as I didn't have a suitable topic to talk about... But nowadays, there is a famous issue that is everywhere. Especially, last Feb 1, we had Hijab Day. Therefore, my topic for today's blog is about...

This girl is wearing a Hijab, thus she is a Hijabi.🧕

I just want to share my opinion and awareness on some issues at the end of this blog as I think it is our responsibility to be alert and share information with my Muslim and non-Muslim friends about Hijab.

My contents

  • What is Hijab?
  • Does the Hijab mean Oppression?
  • News about Hijab Banning in Karnataka

Let's move to the first oneWhat is a Hijab?

For most people, it may be some piece of cloth that is worn by some girls on their heads claiming themselves as a Muslim. But again, why exactly do they wear it?

It is mentioned by Allah SWT (God) in the Quran:

"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears. Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not to reveal their hidden adornments except to their husbands, their fathers, their father-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, their fellow women, those bondwomen in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who are still unaware of women's nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so that you may be successful." (Quran 24:31)

In this verse, Allah SWT is telling us to cover ourselves (women) from men and to maintain our modesty. The Quranic verse is also highlighting the people that can see us without hijab. (Click here, if you to want learn more deeply about the verse)  . We (Muslim women) believes that this is one of the commandments from Allah SWT to us to wear hijab/ veil to cover ourselves. Therefore wearing Hijab is a sign of our devotion to Allah SWT..🕋🧕

One reason that is most significant for me (FOR ME ya), is that hijab is also a sign of our love and dedication to Allah SWT (Our God and Our Creator)💗. 

Because seriously, for me, it is not an easy task to go out there in summer, with fully covered from head to the bottom, yet when we still do it for the sake of Allah SWT. And, in return, we find a very beautiful feeling in our hearts.

Just like there is no love, without sacrifices.❤️ Just like that, there is no point saying you believe and love your Creator if you don't fulfil the commandment of your Lord.

Hijab also teaches us to be more modest. For those who don't know, Modesty means a mode of dressing where we have moderate or not extreme and reserved. It also means someone who doesn't want to show/ reveal so much about themselves. Furthermore, Hijab is also our identity as a believing Muslim woman. 

"But remember yeah... It is undeniable that there are many other Muslim women out there, who do not practice wearing hijab as it is their choice to either to follow the commandment of Allah or not. And as Muslims, we are taught to not be judgmental of other people. Therefore, we can only pray for them and us, instead of giving them names as most illiterate people do."

Down here is a beautiful video on these... 👇😊

One more...

When I speak about modesty or hijab, they don't refer to Only Muslim Women as it also refers to Muslim Men. 👳🏻‍♀️ The men also have responsibilities as Muslims. Some of them are:  


p.s: Awrah also means the body parts that need to be covered in front of those who have no blood or marriage relation like for women, they don't have to cover themselves in front of their parents or siblings... 

Let me share a beautiful video on a lady explaining the hijab.

The hijab is also divided into many types. Some women just wear a normal hijab, but some also wear Burqa or Khimar depending on their choice to cover themselves as this is a personal choice for the person itself.


Does Hijab mean Oppression? 

Nope... Absolutely no as how can we get oppressed, if we wear Hijab as our own choice... 
For this, I have a beautiful video to share.. (This video is in Hindi but there's a subtitle there).

From the videos above, I believe, y'all already have ideas about the hijab. 

Now I just wanted to share some news related to hijab which shocked me which happen in India.

News about Hijab Banning that may impact the Future.

This news. How sad it is to know about this incident happening in Karnataka, India. India is one of the countries in the world with the largest number of Muslims even though they're minor in that country.

 Let me summarize the news. In Karnataka, several colleges had been banning the hijab. This incident had been giving very bad impact on the Muslim girls thereNews link )

It is very sad for me, as for me, India is one of the closest countries to me because I have many followers from India itself, so this raises my concern for them. Please pray that Allah (God) protects them and us.

In addition, this incident is more worrying because it is not only about banning a single piece of cloth on the head named hijab. But is more about discrimination against someone's identity as a Muslim. It is about the future of those girls, because the banning of hijab, could lead the girls to drop out from those colleges and thus, affect their studies. In India, the most famous slogan is about to get contradicted which is #BetiPadhaoBetiBachao 👧📒 which means "Teach the daughters, save the daughters". Not only that, if this case is taken lightly, this incident may continue to happen in other districts of India and thus, the future of girls there will continuously be harmed which should not be happening.

The girls are the future of our nation. For me, I always had learned as a girl myself that.. Women is the first institution for their kids. and only that, I also learned that women are capable to do so many things but they NEED ONLY ONE CHANCE to prove themselves. 

❗Are we giving them that chance? Or are we taking that chance from them only because they are taking a stand for their identity which is also a part of HUMAN RIGHT ?❗

And this kind of case is continuously happening all over the country especially in Europe countries like France and some other countries. Very sad for me.

Please... I hope whoever reading this to please continuously share the awareness for our sisters, daughters and mothers out there. 

We need to stand for them, we need to be united for a better world. 


John F. Kennedy had said 
"One person can make a difference and everyone should try it"


For more reference, can read this..

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