Thursday 18 February 2021

Is this Pandemic really bad?πŸ€”

 Assalamualaikum and Hai beautiful peoples,

Here I wanna write about my journey during this Pandemic and student life with some life lessons that I learned through the experience.

In this writing, I will include the Pandemic story past year (2020) and this year (2021). Please read till the end πŸ˜€✌.

As time passes, undeniably all of us were living in a state that is very different from the past where we were able to go anywhere, anyhow and anytime but since the pandemic of Covid-19 comes, we were locked inside our house for several months and then, followed by Movement Restriction. Which is personally a GOOD STEP for me as we are facing a novel type of various which harms all category of people.

And someone wise had said that "Prevention is better than cured". which I believe we will follow and apply to obtain better health for us and others.

Story of mine

I wanna share a story of mine with you guys, to be honest, just like others, this experience is very unique for me as well as I believe many people have never been πŸ™ˆlocked inside their houses for several months πŸ˜± just like last year's lockdown which did happen in a lot of countries, haha same with mine. 

During the early lockdown, many people routine's was cooking/experimenting in their house/ wandering around/ dreaming and the most majorly done activity, isssss SLEEPING πŸ˜΄. 

Haha, don't worry, we are on the same page.πŸ“ƒ

So my routine was also the same, but to be honest, I grabbed the opportunity that this pandemic gives me which is WORKING ON MYSELF BY LEARNING NEW SKILLS. Yeah, because to be honest repeating the same process exhaust me πŸ˜ͺ so instead I try to work on myself on those aspects that were very unfamiliar for me... 

Wanna know what I started during the early pandemic?  πŸ€”πŸ€”

I started to paint. πŸ–Œ.. .. I know it may sound like a "normal thing", like who doesn't paint... Cehhh.., but for me, it was a journey that makes me feel happy and calm when I work with colours.

For those who don't know, I was a horrible painter and I remembered getting lower marks for my arts during school. 

Haha, and I even started to paint because it was an activity that seems much simpler to start as a new skill. So I just grabbed some poster colours of my siblings (which was actually MINE) and started drawing. 

Firstly, my paintings were awful .. Then when I started following the tips, method and even refer some videos for better understanding. Alhamdulillah, I have succeeded to paint. And believe me, it does work as an ART THERAPY. Painting feels like a therapeutic activity for me...

Then, I even started to read books on self-development and watch some motivational videos to work on the intellectual side. I even had made a journal to daily log about my daily life. πŸ“‘

This activity somehow boosts me during the pandemic to be more positive as when I know how to use my time better (even though I do procrastinate a lot) it does help me to be more mentally stable, physically and emotionally.

My lessons from MCO's (movement control order)

During the pandemic, there were massive changes among the people. People were trying new activities and having new point-of-views on life and were finding things that might help them to fill their empty schedule. Some even were able to discover new talents inside themselves. 

For me, the pandemic was like 

" A break to find yourself". 

As we were able to shift our attention from perhaps "9 to 5" job/school to 24 hours/7 on ourselves and our family."

But yeah, I do agree that during the early lockdown in 2020, people were asked to do "work from home" and even online learning. 

But I hope you get my point hehe... 😁✌

Unfortunately, it was also a sad moment as many people also lose their jobs and students can't attend their online classes because of poor internet or other issues. 

But let's focus on the bright side. When the pandemic hits, many people were suffering but then, there were some humanity movements like Ustaz Ebit Lew...

... in Malaysia who has helped a lot of people who were in need. Not only him but a lot of celebrities and volunteers help others during the pandemic. It was like a moment where all the countries come together to help the NEEDFUL PEOPLE.

Let me share a video about How Malaysia did The Impossible (as I am a Malaysian 😁)

It was a great moment to see movements that do indicate that HUMANITY DO EXIST. I also believe that there are some other countries as well that also had taken special measurements to solve the pandemic issue. 

This pandemic also teaches us that human needs social interaction where before this we were so "into our devices"  πŸ“±that we often forget about the surroundings until we have to be far from them and lock inside of our house. 

"It was like we were avoiding the world, and when we were put far from the busy world.. We realize our lose"

Also, some of us were even unaware of ourselves...

"Like seriously?"

Yeah, so this pandemic provides us a moment to look back at ourselves and work on those things or skills that you have waited or postponed for the sake of your busy life.

Not only that, but this pandemic also provide recovery time to our environment. A lot of positive changes were discovered during this pandemic.

Lastly, the pandemic indicates that "Life is precious" and we need to care for those who we take for granted for- such as our family, friends and even ourselves. Yes, you are also precious.πŸ’Ž

Student side of my life.

As a student, believe me, online classes can be considered as easy and not so easy.. πŸ€” Why?

Because online learning gives you the liberty to do online learning whenever you want to but the cons for it, is you need to work harder for the tests and exams coming. As some of my friends said that the test is difficult. But yeah, it depends on people's perspective. We do have to go through "give and take" moments a lot in life.

For me, online classes were like "Continuous classes throughout the semester, no matter weekdays or holidays" as during my physical classes, I do have personal time for myself but the online classes had kept me busy the whole five days (Mon-Friday) as the schedule was filled with classes, rewatching recorded lectures, tests, assignment, quizzes and many more. Haha... 

But it was a nice experience because it also motivates me to be more organized in future. I learn many things in the pandemic which gives me more ideas to apply during next semester online classes. InshaALLAH.

What I learned and some tips that we can try during online classes.

1, Make a study plan where we can write all the assignments and due dates to be more organized. We can also manage our time better while having a specific time table for you to alert and to avoid over-procrastination.

2. Find a quiet place for you to study so you might be able to focus and avoid distraction during your classes.

3. Limit social media- as it is easy for you to waste your time while scrolling the social media '(SocMed).. I am saying this because I did experienced it before 

Even some wise people said that "Learn from your experience" so here I wanted to share my lesson here.

Other than that, social media can also affect our mental health very badly as watching your friends' virtual life may cause anxiety and can give you a hard time during anxiety.

 I even had to delete my Instagram account because of the distraction that I was getting while using SocMEd but... I am not saying that you have to do the same. Instead, try to be more responsible when using social media for the good of yourself.

I even had watched some documentaries of SocMed Creators and even they admit, that social media do affect us or the young generation with many psychological problems like anxiety, depression, lower self-esteem, and many more.. 

So know what you are following and does that benefits you ? Many things happen in life because of our choice.

Please be careful.

4. Ask questions and be fully alert in class.

I know it is tempting to sleep during online classes where the classes are recorded during the early mornings but let's try to sleep early at night to wake up early and focus on your lecture to be able to know more.

Next, try to ask questions if you are unable to understand the topic because "It is better to ask than to not understand". So let's try to keep that in mind.

5. Reward yourself.

You can also encourage yourself to be more motivated in classes and doing your assignments by rewarding yourself. You can use phrases like...

"If I finished this assignment before 6 pm, I will have a bar of chocolate as a reward" and try it. It is more encouraging to do work when you know there is a reward at the finish line.


My Islamic Perspective about this Covid-19 Pandemic?

To be honest, this pandemic has been a great pause for many Muslims around the world from their busy life and start focusing on those things that many people forget about. Let me list some :)

1) Maintaining our hygiene 

Do you guys know that .. "

SubhanAllah, since last year, we have been hearing about maintaining our hygiene which was already mentioned by Allah SWT and Prophet Rasulullah SAW who emphasized that “cleanliness is half of faith” in a hadith...

This situation helps us to follow the Sunnah and do better.

2)  Pray in Congregation (Jemaah) with their family member. πŸ•Œ

Sadly since the widespread of Covid-19 came, many Muslims and even other religious people were not allowed to pray in religious places like Mosque (Masjid) πŸ•Œ. But even though they can't go to the mosque regularly like they usually do, they were able to pray and spend their precious time together with family. 

Isn't it true that many of us have lacked social interaction with our own family because of our busy lives? No matter you're in school, college or office.

3) Strengthen our Iman (Faith) πŸ’–

Do you agree that it scary when people are talking about this epidemic all around you? No matter, your friends or employees and even your Boss. Undeniably, this kind of communication somehow does increase the creepiness inside of you. (Me too, hehe).

Even when you open your social media, people are talking about the same thing and even television news. πŸ˜₯

But you know what happens despite all of this chaoticness?

We put our faith in our Lord. We have this stronger relationship with our Lord. Because no one, like NO ONE, can protect you BETTER THAN Allah SWT The Most Merciful and Most Caring.

Alhamdulillah, most of us, was lucky to be able to spend time and fast together in Ramadhan with our families and even gifted chance to do ibadah together like Tarawih prayers and even get to increase the number of sunnah prayers. Alhamdulillah. But don't worry, because if you didn't do it before, inshaAllah you can still do it.

Because... Allah never sees your result, instead of Allah SWT see your progress. It is normal to fall but not normal to not get up. Let's fight for the better.

but there is one issue that people always mislead. ❌

That they forget that even though everything is destined by Lord/Allah SWT and Allah is the best protector but they often forget that also have to PUT SOME EFFORT IN PROTECTING THEMSELVES.

Like there are some people, who do not wanted to follow SOP and maintaining their hygiene or wearing a mask and  still THEY HOPE THAT ALLAH WILL PROTECT THEM... but there is ONE HADITH that MENTIONS...

In this hadith, Rasulullah SAW was stating about Tawakal or a.k.a Tawakkul which means in easy words, "relying on Allah SWT" after putting your effort.

Just like in life, you can't hope to get A+ πŸ“ƒwhen you didn't write anything on your test paper. Did you get me?

So we have to put effort to protect ourselves while having faith/Tawakal to Allah SWT.

4) Introduced to new ways of learning

Yes, you read me right. When being home was a must, many of us missed being in lecture and class to learn about Islam.

But somehow, if you realize. In this epidemic, many classes/lectures are recorded and carried online, so you can still gain knowledge even though you do not face-to-face with your teachers. SubhanAllah. Indeed the world is on our fingers.

5) Tested

Yes, tested. When we are living in our home and living in this era of Pandemic, we were tested by many things like no job, no work, no school, affected by disease and even get tested positive many more. Even now, when the situation is slightly better than last year, and we can go out while applying SOP. We are still tested.

Which is good...

You know why?

 “Allah has created death and life to test which one of you is best in conduct.” ―Quran 67:2".


Last but not least,

6) Quarantine.

As stated by Rasulullah SAW in a hadith about 

Prophet Muhammad advised on quarantine:

"If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; if the plague outbreaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place".

We need to take the correct measurements to protect ourselves and also others. Because even though you may not be affected by the Covid-19, you may spread it to others. Even to those like babies, people with diagnosed disease history and even senior citizens.

So this is some of the tips and opinions of mine that I hope WE can try to implement in our life for a better outcome.

Please do take care of your health, and your closed ones.  πŸ‘ͺ


  1. follow the SOP, 
  2. wear the mask when going out in Public, 
  3. Take care of your hygiene 
  4. Follow other measurements that are fixed by the Ministry Of Health or WHO.

 If you guys have anything to share about the experience during this epidemic or even tips for online classes. Please do share 😁✌

Who knows that others might get benefitted from it...πŸ˜„


My title: Is This Pandemic really bad?

Answer: For me, No , this epidemic is not bad as in life we are often afflicted with trials in life..

"The key to life is to accept challenges. Once someone stop doing it, he is dead" - Bette Davis

Because if we compare this epidemic with the previous diseases widespread, we are lucky because we have better facilities and technology to find a solution. We were able to discover many things about this COVID-19 disease in much shorter time. SubhanAllah

For me personally this epidemic is not bad but it is one of those trials, that may have lessons for us to learn... πŸ˜„✌️

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