Friday 28 August 2020

Surrounded by linguals ..

Assalamualaikum and "Bonjour a' tous"... Annyeong haseyo..

Jeu neun Ms.Imperfect ibnida. Jeo neun Malaysia salam ibnida.(Korean-formal)
Jae iram Ms.Imperfect. (Korean-informal)
Ismi Ms.Imperfect. (Arabic)
Nama saya Ms.Imperfect. (Malay)

Do you guys figured out what I am going to write about?
If you guess it right, it's about languages...

Languages are Hard - Making Voice Assistants Speak Many Languages

When we talk about languages, we will start recalling different countries, accents, people, culture, dialects, and television shows (haha, Korean languages makes me remind of TROS and Runningman).

Image result for the return of superman

So are you guys are already in process of learning new languages? '
Please do share what languages you are learning in the comment section 😊😊

btw, According to Google, mostly used language on Internet are ..

Usually the usage of language depends on their interaction with others, like who are their fans/friends , their family history(like a Russian in America, so you know Russian and English) .. or from where they belong to (which country they are in) ..

Like for me, i used both English and Malay language to communicate with others.

Talking about knowing certain languages...
Do you guys ever heard the terms of "monolingual" or "bilingual" or "multilingual"?
If you ever heard of these terms, then Congratulation, coz you're one these. So let me explain these terms one-by-one.

- Also known as Unilingual  (uni/mono means one, lingual means language)
-A monolingual is someone who is only capable of speaking and understanding only ONE language. 
-Compared to many countries, monolinguals are considered as a minority as they are many people who speak more than 1 language worldwide.

Compared to Monolingual,,,
Bilinguals are...
-A bilingual is someone who is fluent in 2 languages. (Bi means 2)

So are they any benefits of being bilingual. Of course, they are...
(actually, there are more, and I will list that after this :)...

As the video above also speaks about Multilingual, so they are someone who...
-Have the ability to speak and understand many languages effectively( though not necessarily perfect)

So what type of linguals you are? (Do share in comment😁✌)

For me, I am multilingual as I can speak a few languages fluently such as Malay, Urdu, Hindi, and English. I can also understand some of the languages such as Arabic, Korean, Indonesian language, and others. (I am still learning them).

Sometimes learning languages can be easier for kids but slightly harder for an adult but if they are determined in learning so... They can do it.
"But have you ever wonder why we should learn a new language and can't we just stick to our mother-tongue? And are there any benefits in learning them?" 

    Actually, in my opinion, it is okay if you want to stick to language that you already know/fluent in such as English. 
    But why being a bi/multilingual, according to a site named Fluentu, learning new languages help you when traveling to new countries.
Why Is The World Split Into Countries? | Vermont Public Radio

Have you ever imagined going to places that have native speakers who don't really have "an idea" about what you are speaking in your language? 
Or talking to your employees or co-workers or even your boss without understanding whatever you are talking about?

monolingual cartoon

Here is one video...

While other benefits of knowing/fluent in other languages are it provide many job opportunities, stay mentally strong (it is like exercising your brain), improve social life, and increase brain health.

Benefits of a Bilingual Brain Infographic - e-Learning Infographics 

So see, there are many benefits of being bi/multilingual.

"Alright, I am convinced. 
Do you have any tips on how to learn new languages?"

Of course, I will share it. Hehe..
    For me, whenever I wanted to learn new languages, I will learn it with the help of videos, apps, and practicing.

    For videos, I will watch Youtube as there are a variety of videos. There are also some YouTubers who are experts in a language and teach the lessons. Indirectly, this would be helpful for those who love learning with the help of video or audio.

    For the videos, I will also watch movies or shows that are in another language with the help of subtitles so I would have the idea about the word.

    For the apps, I will download the multiples of apps in the Play Store to be double sure of words that I am learning. Before downloading, I will read the reviews about the app because I believe nobody would love to learn a foreign language from untrustable sources... Haha, it can be a disaster if you learn it wrong and somehow the meaning means opposite to what you think it is.

I have been learning languages using apps like Duolingo (variety of choices), Mondly Arabic, Cake (for better English), and Arabic Unlocked (you can learn normal Arab, Quranic Arab, and common 300 words in Qur'an)...

The picture below is from my Duolingo account.


No matter what is your age, even though it is easier for you to learn a language at a young age, you can still learn it as an adult. You need to put extra effort and practice in order to learn it.

If you have kids, what about you teach them languages since they are young and easy to cope with it. I have seen many families who have kids aged 4-5, who can speak 2 languages.

    Learning a language can be like an exercise to your brain and keeps your brain healthy. You can have multiple ways to learn a language, such as videos, books, language classes, apps, or with the help of a friend and others.

Tip: If you wanted to learn a foreign language easily... One way is to learn the language basic alphabets just like you did when in schools.
Sometimes we get so excited in learning that we start to learn and memorize random words and later get confused with its meaning.

The word "eoseo oseyo" (welcome) sounds similar to seo-seyo (stand up) in Korean.
Hum (we) and Ab (Now) in Urdu

Learning a language is fun and adventurous... I hope you like my today's blog. πŸ˜€

Friday 21 August 2020

Smoking: Is it safer and HALAL ?

Assalamualaikum and Hai everyone, I hope you and your family are healthy and safe...😊

`Recently on my page on IG, I have asked my followers to suggest suitable blog content for me to write... πŸ–️πŸ–️

One of the suggestions is;

"Is flavoured & electric hookah injurious to health and your Imaan?" πŸš¬ 🌬️

This topic quite interests me as we usually know some people in life who either smoke or vape (including smoke hookah). 

So I would write a blog regarding this.

Here is my Content List.

- Greeting

Introduction and disadvantages of consuming

- Islamic views-

 How to quit smoking?

- My point of view


First of all, I will introduce cigarettes, e-cigs (E-cigarettes and vape), and Hookah (shisha).

    Cigarettes are something that we may have heard since our young age as it is widely sold for centuries. Yeah, it's pretty old. By the 1800s century, cigarettes were manufactured widely and received the name cigarette. 

Image result for cigarette

I believe we already knew about the harm of smoking since we were kids. 

Even nowadays, if I am not mistaken, even cigarette packets have warning messages with disease pictures that can be caused by smoking. Even, there is awareness spread via the television medium such as in movies or advertisements.

"But why is a cigarette dangerous when it seems just like a white paper tube filled with tobacco?" 

Disadvantages of Cigarettes. 

Actually, cigarette tubes are not only filled with tobacco but also with hundreds of ingredients. According to the American Lung Association, cigarettes contain at least 69 chemicals that cause cancer. Fuh, it's like a self-slow-killing process.

Some of them are in the picture below;

What Is In A Cigarette? Chemicals and Ingredient List Confirm How ...

For more reference, please click here.

"But you know, even if you are not a smoker and still inhale the smoke of cigarettes, it is still dangerous for you, same goes when you are a smoker and your family isn't.

Why is it like that?"

This happens because the non-smokers inhale the smoke exhaled by the smoker contains more than 4000 chemical compounds of which 250 are toxic and as I mentioned before, it also contains cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). 

We call this secondhand smoke (a combination of smoke from a burning cigarette and smoke exhaled by a smoker), so people around them who don't smoke but inhale smoke are also in danger. (I hope it is not confusing).

Smoking may protect against Parkinson's disease – but it's more ...

In easy words, the longer you are around secondhand smoke, the greater the level of harmful substances entering your body

Source: Reference

    Next, e-cigarettes. This is like a new version of traditional cigarettes and is considered safer than cigarettes by some sites but it is not proven. 

"But is it really safer?"

Before continuing, let me clear something out. 

These e-cigarettes are quite different from vape (we will discuss this too).

Vapes vs. E-cigarettes: What's the Difference?

    Ok, so the e-cigs (e-cigarettes) were introduced by a man named Herbert A. Gilbert in 1963 but since people were too fond of the real cigarettes at that time, the patent was expired. But in 2003, a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik introduced the idea of e-cigs again.

    As time passes, vapes were introduced and it is mentioned by the Wall Street Journal that a recent Wells Fargo study suggests that vaporizers (vapes) are growing twice as fast as standard e-cigs.

"But why the sudden craze for vapes?"

    One main difference is that vapers can mix and match liquids to achieve liking in sort of flavour (such as Strawberries, Peach, Lime), cloud production (clouds of vapour), and throat hit (a feeling that gives you on the back of the throat as you inhale). In simple words, you can smoke something according to what you prefer.

Disadvantages of vaping

Many people think that vaping is better than smoking and less injurious than cigarettes but less do they know that it is still harmful to health too.

Yes, it is undeniable that vaping is also dangerous. Why am I saying this? Even though e-cigs don't have many chemicals like in ordinary cigarettes, it stills has chemicals in it.

Studies reveal that vaping can lead you to heart or lung diseases because of the presence of nicotine.

Even in studies, have shown that e-cigs will not help you to avoid traditional cigarettes as;

It is also sad to know that many people think that vaping can help reduce traditional smoking... But it is not... It is also sadder, that teenagers start vaping as their first tobacco experience...

Let me share a video with you guys.

"It is sad to say that e-cigs are becoming a trend now for nowadays kids and they don't realize the harm, they are causing to themselves."

"This maybe will be causing the next smoking epidemic through young people getting addicted to electronic cigarettes early in life"

And if you wonder why there is no specific long-term research to back up why smoking e-cigs are less harmful than traditional smoking. It is probably because a disease like Cancer takes years to develop and e-cigs were just introduced back a few decades. So it is impossible to determine whether the product increases the risk or not.

But it is better to prevent it as "Prevention Is Better Than Cure" cause I believe nobody would love to be diagnosed with cancer or any other serious disease.

    Lastly, HOOKAHS a.k.a Shisha...

Just now, we talked about e-cigs which are quite safer than cigarettes but now, WE WILL TALK ABOUT SOMETHING BAD/SIMILAR to cigarettes themselves. Again, it's hookah a.k.a shisha.

Image result for Hookah

"I remember seeing some people smoking this in an Arab restaurant and believe me when I passed through it, the smell was horrible."

Back to the disadvantages,

It is researched that tobacco in HOOKAHs is no less toxic than a cigarette, and the water inside it does not filter out the toxic ingredient as it is pack inside its container so the smokers may actually inhale the large portion of smoke in one session than cigarette smokers.

According to an article from various sites, where one of them is from the MayoClinic website, the bad effects of the hookah are;

The World Health Organisation published a report in 2005 stating that smoking using a waterpipe poses a serious potential health hazard and is not a safe alternative to cigarette smoking, as an average shisha session typically lasts more than 40 minutes and consists of 50 to 200 inhalations, each range from 0.15 to 0.50 liters of smoke. (source)

.................................INTRO ENDS.....................

In conclusion, none of them are beneficial to health. It may be sufficient to satisfy the lustful ( nafs' ) needs but it won't benefit you at all.  Smoking is also injurious to the environment as it can cause air pollution as well as water and soil pollution. It also creates a huge amount of toxic waste. Smoking also impacts pets and aquatic animals.

There's one advertisement that I would like to share with you guys, later I will interpret the ad message so those who don't understand the language will understand it.

In this ad, Akshay questioned the man who was smoking and asked him why was he smoking in front of the clinic. So the man said that his wife has a girl's problem and it is expensive to treat her as everything is expensive now...
But the man doesn't realize that he may not have enough money to treat his wife by buying sanitary pads (you have to watch a PadMan Movie for this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) but instead, he has money to buy cigarettes which would kill him one day.
So by only keeping 20rp, he could save two lives which are his (by quitting smoking) and his wife.

If you are wondering about the risks of smoking.
Some of the examples are below;

Why are cigarettes not haram? - Quora

Just now, I share with you whether it is safer or not andddd it is concluded that it is NOT SAFE as "Smoking anything is injurious to health".

Now, my second point...


  Is smoking (any of the above) even halal and permissible in Islam?

According to the site of Mufti of Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia, it is haraam to vape as well as smoke as it harms the smoker and other people. Smoking, as well as vaping, is considered an activity that harms one's health.

It is mentioned in surah an-Nisa verse 29,

"O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful."

These two references show that it is haram to consume anything that kills you (directly or indirectly) or another person.

Destroying one's health through such activities (smoking) is against the teachings of Islam as the Quran mentions in Surah al-Baqarah verse no.195.
"Do not put yourselves into destructions, and do good. Of course, Allah loves those who do good"  

Let me a share resource from Mufti Menk.

A sharing by Sh.Shady al Sulaiman.

One more reference from Dr. Zakir Naik which is seriously contentful.

And the majority of scholars and fatwas also say that smoking (cigarettes, vaping and shisha/hookah) is haram. Islam prohibits harming yourselves and others.

3.0 How to quit smoking?

1. Have a clear desire to quit smoking. (Niyah/intention)

Trust in Allah's words: "...When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; if He forsakes you, who is it — after that — that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust" (Qur'an 3:159-160).

2. Change your habits- having a better circle of friends. Avoid joining friends who are smoking at the moment. Play sports or exercise and spend time with non-smoker friends or family. 

3. Change your routine to pursue your hobby or do things you love other than smoking like painting, cooking or watching your favorite shows.

4.Going for therapy to quit smoking.

5. Taking proper medication. 

And if you wonder this πŸ‘‡

4.0 My point of view

As a science student, what I can tell is that whatever you take either by eating, inhaling, or drinking, it is going to affect your inner body without you even realizing it. 

You may feel better taking the bad things up for now and eventually, when the side effects affect you, you will have no idea. You have to fight with those desires. People may tend to start smoking either because of their friends, following trends, or even influenced by media. Seriously, smoking doesn't make you look cool as you don't how the makers of these items fool you. You have to stop taking this slow poison.

Life is beautiful and full of beneficial things so don't go for the minor bad things.

Save money and use it somewhere better, for a better future. 

I know for the part of halal and haram, many Non-Muslim will be questioning about its benefit towards them. What I can say about this is ...

Halal and Haram labels/tags are not only given based on religious factors but also from many aspects as well. They are applicable for all, no matter Muslims or Non-Muslims. So if something is Haram, it has some benefit in avoiding it.

Such as pork is Haram in Islam (mentioned in the Quran) and one of the scientific reasons why it is haram is as it can deliver many diseases to humans.

5.0 References

Introduction part reference-,in%20a%20propylene%20glycol%20solution.

Islamic view references.

Do feel free to like,comment and share 😊

Special thanks to kak Amiracle ✌🏻

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